We are free Lakota and Dakota people reclaiming our language, the language which our ancestors have spoken for thousands of years. We believe our Language should be open-sourced and made available to all Lakota/Dakota people, children, families and communities who want to learn our language. It is our belief that outside entities shall not have the power to copyright and/or profit and/or make claim to anything in our language without the Lakota people’s permission. We are Lakota/Dakota Language Reclaimants, Activists, Educators, Teachers, Parents, and Learners. We believe it is only the Lakota/Dakota people that have the right to decide how our language shall be used and disseminated. We ask of our allies to never copyright anything in our Language without permission and written consent from all 7 Council Fires.

Some of our stories and materials will be password protected. To request access email lakotareclamationproject@gmail.com and please share who you are, where you’re from, which Tribe you’re from, and why you are requesting access.

Commercial use of any materials is strictly prohibited.