
 Winner of the Adaptation Award at IndieCade 2019, When Rivers Were Trails is a point-and-click adventure game about the impact of colonization on Indigenous communities in the 1890's.

An Anishinaabeg in the 1890s is displaced from their traditional territory in Minnesota and heads west to California due to the impact of allotment acts on Indigenous communities, facing Indian Agents, meeting people from different nations, and hunting, fishing, and canoeing along the way as they balance their wellbeing.

Along the way, they pass through several Dakota and Lakota Reservations including Sisseton, Standing Rock, Cheyenne River, and Pine Ridge.

Lakota Conversations in the game written by Emanuel Red Bear and Carl Petersen. A few other Lakota also contributed to the project, Trevino Brings Plenty and Allen Turner.

The game is available for free download at: